Dave Kragen – KaveDragen Ink

Copy-writing, Copy-editing, Content Consulting —Making Copy Shine!

Clean, sparkling copy is often the first impression you make on prospective clientele. Whether website content, business newsletter, product or services descriptions, or your latest press release, if you are like most busy professionals, you don’t have time to rewrite…polish…rewrite…polish. Even if you enjoy writing and have the ability, given the leisure time, that is probably not your primary calling or priority as a business executive, company manager, or small business owner. Sometimes you need to call in the seasoned talent, the mature wordsmith, to compose and polish your message.

Who-what? Philosopher, writer, teacher, editor, husband, father and grandfather; served four years in the U.S. Coast Guard from 1973-1977; finished first short story “The Chairs” in 1984; fourth novel, Plagueman, was released in December 2005; just finished my eighth novel this year, The Accidental Prisoner, third in the series The KillWare Chronicles — coming soon to a dump near you.Every company needs: The visionaryThat’s you! As market expert, you know your products and services better than anyone else. The copy editor, the wordsmithThat’s me. I supply the polish and clarity of communication needed to grab your client from the very first line. My name is Dave Kragen.

206.842.5761 [email protected] kavedragenink.com kdkragen.com killware.com plagueman.com