21 May 2010 — DON’T PANIC!

Monsters From The Id“DON’T PANIC!”*

Consider the alternatives: peripatet, palaver, ponder, pray, play pinochle. But don’t panic. Other ways not to panic? Other ways not to panic about your business? Discuss.


Greetings to visitors and BBC Regulars!  This is the second week of the second year of Bainbridge Business Connection.

But some of us don’t believe in numbers, so you may not exist, or I may not exist, but we all KNOW Thuy Nguyen exists because there’s coffee, espresso, tea and all sorts of breakfast goodies not far from this website in the Bainbridge Pavilion.

Cafe @ The Pavilion
403 N. Madison Ave.
Bainbridge Island, WA  98110

  • 7:30-8:00 – coffee, tea, delightful food, visiting, informal networking, sharing
  • 8:00-8:30 – formal meeting
  • 8:30-9:00 – more informal networking and sharing

The BBC is a Creative Strategy Roundtable offering storefront and home-based Bainbridge business owners and managers a focus group for strategy testing, honest detailed critique, and community support.

Quote Of The Bi-month: “If the human mind was simple enough to understand, we’d be too simple to understand it.”   —Dr. Emerson Pugh (author and IBM research scientist and executive for 35 years)

Today’s Discussion will concern how: 1) not to panic; and 2) to use the following alien script to best advantage in YOUR business. The KRELL language is useful for communicating to your prospective clientele the serious nature of YOUR products and services. Find out more exciting uses of KRELL in the workplace and the marketplace. KRELL – “Software, Hardware, KrellWare.”

*(Douglas Adams. “Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy.”)

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About kdkragen

K. D. Kragen is a philosopher, writer, teacher, editor, husband, father and grandfather. A third generation San Franciscan, Vietnam era vet U.S. Coast Guard (1973-1977), married to Janet L. Kragen for 32 years (1977-present), K. D. is a published novelist ("The KillWare Chronicles" and "Plagueman"); he has taught logic and lectured in philosophy of art at various college and local art schools (Northwest College of Art, Trumeau College of the Arts). Presently he teaches senior citizens basic computer skills (to be able to keep in touch with children and grandchildren), does general computer maintenance, MS and Linux OS, manages a small publishing house, Scandia Patch Press, and edits and ghosts the writings of other local authors. KaveDragen Ink LLC Clean, sparkling copy is often the first impression you make on prospective clientele. Every company needs: One, the Visionary, company owner, manager. That's you! You are the market expert. You know your products and services better than anyone else. Two, the Copy-editor, the wordsmith. That's me. I supply the polish and clarity of communication needed to grab your client from the very first line.