We’ll be meeting for this BBC Friday at the Bainbridge Island Library again.
This Friday morning, BBC will meet at the Bainbridge Library in the big meeting room just to the left when you enter the main doors. OfficeXpats (http://www.officexpats.com) co-founders Jason Omens and Leslie Schneider are hosting this meeting, and they will present some real-life business challenges and ideas for our input — similar to a “Mastermind” group of entrepreneurs working together to help each other grow their businesses.
OfficeXpats will bring the large DoodleBiz (http://thedoodlebiz.com) mind map created at a similar brainstorming session a few weeks ago, and Leslie will translate the new input from our group onto a similar map as a way of practicing communicating ideas with pictures. Hey, this could be really fun!
Note: Because we’re meeting at the Library this Friday, remember to BYOB, bring your own coffee/tea/snacks. You might stop by Roosters Coffee or Flowering Around or another business on the way to the Library to buy your breakfast drink etc.
See you this Friday for your Morning Cup Of BBC @ The Library.
7:30-8:00 – coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:30 – Brianstorming “Mastermind” Session
8:30-9:00 – more networking, sharing, visiting
(Disclaimer: The Bainbridge Public Library meeting rooms are made available as a public service, and booking a room in no way indicates an endorsement of the program or philosophy of those who are using the rooms.)
_______________________ Sincerely, The BBC Management & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC