Next BBC Friday will be 4 January 2013
HAVE A GREAT AND SAFE Christmas & New Years!
Reminder: January 4th 2013 marks the 4th Anniversary of BBC. Coming from not so modest beginnings at the Illustrious Blue Ocean Cafe, one of B.I.’s more delicious business experiments, the ever-popular yet ghostly Bainbridge Business Connection in four years has: spawned BBC2 (Thursday evening BBC Channel 2), encouraged, supported, may we suggest incubated a number of now-successful B.I. businesses (maybe the most exciting being OfficeXpats), and filled a unique space in the annuals of friendly business networking communities upon this lovely blue-green planet Earth.
All these amazing accomplishments generated by but a few dozen or so crazy-happy innovative and ingenious business entrepreneurs meeting moderately continuously every Friday (less a few holidays) for four years, without formal corporate existence, business structure, organizational documentation or formulation, on the books of no political, civil, or municipal body (though with the informal support and blessing of the Bainbridge Chamber Of Commerce). The names of those BBC Originals & Regulars, were we to list them hear, would fill a really big page!
Assignment: Over the holidays, for “BBC 2013,” think of local businesses and business owners who might enjoy speaking to us, presenting about their business, and sharing business lessons they’ve learned.
The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC
BBC Regulars – Upcoming Events
This year Think Week is only three days: December 26th, 27th, & 28th. Here are some events (check back as we add new ones (
- Wednesday 11am-12:30: A discussion and workshop on discovering your personal or company mission/vision based on values and purpose.
- Thursday 11am-12:30: The inaugural “Follow the Money” discussion group. Learn more.
- Friday 12:30-2pm: 1-year anniversary celebration of Ignite Bainbridge w/ viewings of a few recorded presentations and interviews
- Tentative: Brainstorming session to create our OXp Kickstarter Campaign for office improvements
January 15, Basic business contracts 101: Caroline Fichter.
January 22, Patents, copyrights, and trademarks: Martin Garthwaite.
January 29, Legal requirements when people work for you: Paula Willems.
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