This week at BBC we will revive one of our older traditions: “Giving each other’s elevator speeches” as another form of referral sharing.
Nothing like a pat on the back to encourage a fellow BBC Regular.
In giving one another’s elevator speech, we learn no only how much we know about each other, but what we need to know in order to give a really good referral.
So, so, so, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!
BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion
7:30-8:00 – coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 – “Elevator Speech Swapping” Roundtable
8:30-9:00 – more networking, sharing, visiting
The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC
More BBC Regulars Really Exciting Upcoming Events!
SEPTEMBER Tuesday@Noon Workshops: “Marketing Trends and Strategies for Small Business.” Still 2 great sessions left! Review your key marketing tools: (week 3) your social media, and (week 4) your e-mail communications. From these workshops, you’ll decide if they are serving your needs and the expectations of your audience. You’ll get a bit of tried-and-true best practices mixed in with what is needed to stay relevant in a rapidly changing social and technical environment. Presenters: Michele Jewett, Marietta Szubski, Trish Bittman. Registration at

25 September, Thursday, Chamber After Hours (5:30-7:00): Hosting this month is BI Chamber member Smallwood Design & Construction ( in their design center and workshop at 8356 NE Day Road East. Join us for networking and refreshments. Free. Public welcome. More info
New B.I. RIDE Mid-day Bus Service! A combination of scheduled stops and Dial-A-Ride fills runs during weekday non-commuter times and on Saturdays. For more info:
REMINDER for BBC Regular Members: Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, you can have your business and contact info available for the BBC community and on the BBC website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info: BBC on Facebook: Alice David has kindly set up a BBC Facebook destination. Take a look: – friend, post, share, bake, blog, barbecue. We all love you Alice – stay strong!
BBC Regular Lee Hoffman’s group is developing the Maritime Heritage Center in Bremerton restoring the classic tugboat “Quail” (
Maritine Heritage Center fund Quail photos/video
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