No BBC this coming Friday July 5th
The next BBC Friday meeting will be on July 12th. Join us then, and have a great, and safe, 4th Of July Holiday!
No BBC2 – The Evening Edition for July
The next BBC2 will be on August 1st. Join us then, and have a great, and safe, 4th Of July Holiday!
ANYONE who enjoys talking, chatting, visiting, talking, and sharing their BBCness and/or OfficeXpatsness — and touting their own exciting entrepreneurial endeavors — here is an opportunity to sit at a B.I. 4th Of July Booth and do all of those things!
MOSTLY, it would be putting in an hour or two (or however long you are having fun) personing the booth to answer any questions passersby might have about BBC or OfficeXpats. There be fliers to hand out also, arg, avast ye, where’s the grog. That’s about it.
If you’re available to help, just reply to Dave Kragen at [email protected] — and if you have an idea of when you’d like to be at the booth, just include that in your email.
Also, we will be setting up the booth around 8:30 on the morning of the 4th, so if that sounds like barrels of fun, let Dave know that too.
Also, we’ll be taking the booth down sometime at the end of the day’s festivities, around 5:00 I think, so help there will likewise be appreciated.
The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC