Welcome to BBC Think Club Friday, 11 November – Part 2, “Your Board Of Directors” business problem-solving strategy roundtable, with BBC thinkologist Bill Ruddick as our guide.
Key questions to ask, mind maps, radiant thinking: seeing, observing, and developing creative business solutions. Bring a business problem or issue to ponder and troubleshoot together, and possibly share some learned-along-the-way business wisdom.
Notes from previous Think Club meeting (PDF):
Be here, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise!
Exciting BBC Notices, News, Events
OfficeXpats, 17 November, 5:00 PM. OfficeXpats Business Center – Climate Smart Bainbridge roundtable discussion. Let’s “team up” for the climate! (Yes, there will be snacks.) OfficeXpats FB member page: facebook.com/groups/officexpatsmembers. Want help to reduce your carbon footprint, personally and for your business? Bainbridge Island’s Climate Smart program can help you measure and track your actions and become a climate smart leader on the island! Let’s all join the Bainbridge Island Climate Smart Challenge as part of a rockin’ OfficeXpats team to show what we can do collectively! Bainbridge Island Climate Action: BBC Climate Action Meeting Notes. Related COBI Links: bainbridgewa.gov/climateaction & bainbridgewa.gov/Zero-Waste. Share the challenge with your friends and business associates: ClimateSmartBainbridge.org.
Visit the Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial. This past August, the Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial Association announced the completion of the installation of interpretive artwork on the Departure Deck at the Memorial, bijaema.org. The memorial was opened to the public on 30 July 2011 and is located at Pritchard Park, 4192 Eagle Harbor Drive. It is always open. (facebook.com/BIJAEM/)
Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club. Contact: Louis Alloin, 206-780-6885, [email protected]. FWARC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) seeking community support for a number of local projects. WWII Navy Mindsweeper USS Gayety (AM-239) Bainbridge Museum Ship project (Flyer_pdf).
Compass & Clock e-newsletter is available, and it’s free! “Navigating life today to remain independent tomorrow.” compassandclock.com