Join us this BBC Friday for Story Telling Time
The forth founding principle of BBC states: The BBC offers its members the opportunity to build connections of trust between each others companies and services, sharing skills and specialties, and critiquing professional copy. Part of the way we started out building trust in one another’s businesses was to share our stories, who we are as business owners and entrepreneurs. Story telling.
Thus, for those first months meeting at the Blue Ocean Cafe, members — BBC regulars, those having attended at least 2 meetings attain the coveted “BBC Regular” status — members would take five or ten minutes and tell stories, about their journey into their present business or into a previous business incarnation or their journey from Minnesota to the Puget Sound, or their journey from animal husbandry or novelist-in-a-cave to network administrator, human resources specialist, office ergonomics resource, or personal financial adviser.
So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting event … and another delicious cup of BBC!
BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion
7:30-8:00 – coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 – “Telling Your Story”
8:30-9:00 – more networking, sharing, visiting
The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC
BBC Regulars – Upcoming Events
April Tuesday@Noon Workshops – BizDev Basics (noon-1:00)
Still 3 sessions, 16th, 23rd, and 30th, of OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon workshops. Register for this series now!
April 16, Networking to build business, with Ann Whitmore: Face-to-face conversations at networking events can be powerful to connect with potential customers and clients. But handing over your business card is not enough to get the return on your investment of time and energy. Networking can pay off more powerfully as opportunities to create relationships and support other people first. Come learn how to change your perspective, create a long-term strategy, and have more fun!
April 23, “Zen Sales Skills” Part II with Heather Flanagan: Lock in the success of the Zen Sales Process by designing your own sales ritual to keep on track. Sales processes are not one-size-fits all. The more you align with what really works for you, the better results you will get.
April 30, Think creatively with your sales and marketing plan, with Elaine Jones, Small Business Development Center (SBDC).
“all in all, it’s more than just a wall” — OfficeXpats’s new WALL and sunny space is nearly complete; next week finishing touches will come into focus for the OXp recording & streaming studio. Our next BBC Friday, April 19th, may just be a great inaugural for the new facilities! Watch this space for more news and in the upcoming BBC Newsletter! Read more about these exciting changes at
Last Chance to Cash in on RePower Bainbridge Rebates! Island Residents Invited to ‘Final Boarding Call’ Event to Receive $800 Special Rebate Offer. Saturday, April 13, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, at Woodward Middle School. For More Info: RePower Bainbridge Even Page. or Event Flyer (google drive pdf doc).
NOTE: Kathleen Jones of RePowerBainbridge will also be addressing BBC in the next couple weeks on more details about offers and deadlines.
BBC Related Links
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association