Join us this BBC Friday for another COBI & Community Business update and roundtable discussion, with our own mistress of entrepreneurial munificence Leslie Schneider.
Leslie on City Council: “I have been an active advocate for sustainability and local economy since 1992 when I started volunteering for Sustainable Seattle and later for the Business Alliance for Local Living Economy. I love how the design of physical space can encourage the growth of relationships in a community. To live in deeper community with neighbors, I was a founding member of Jackson Place Cohousing (JPC). I had many leadership roles in the development and construction of JPC’s 27 condominium units and common spaces, located just southeast of downtown Seattle. I lived there for eight years until moving to Bainbridge Island. I also volunteered for the Pomegranate Center (“Strengthening Communities Through Creative Collaboration”). I even went all the way to New York City to take a workshop on “How to turn a place around,” from one of my favorite organizations, the Project For Public Spaces. I visited City Repair projects in Portland, Oregon, and have participated recently in that organization’s annual Village Building Convergence.”
So Invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!
Be here, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise!
BBC@OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is, Upstairs at the Pavilion
7:30-8:00 – coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 – Community Business Roundtable w/ Leslie Schneider
8:45-9:00 – more networking, sharing, visiting
Sincerely, BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC
BBC Regulars Upcoming News & Events!
Donna Lee Dowdney art at Umpqua Bank — her Fabric Art show continues through the month of October. Read more at
23 October 2018, 2:00-6:00 PM, KEDA Fall Forum: “Makers, Doers & Dreamers.” Suquamish Clearwater Casino Resort And Conference Center. KEDA’s Fall Forum will showcase local entrepreneurs who have successfully taken their concepts from the kitchen table or garage to the next level. Keynote speaker, Maury Forum. Registration closes October 15th: keda2018fallforum.
Creating Community Resilience. “Map Your Neighborhood”: Bainbridge Prepares: Scott James guidebook, “Prepared Neighborhoods”