BBC Friday 14 November 2014 – Canceled for Special Chamber IslandWood Breakfast

BBC CANCELED in deference to a special November Chamber Breakfast, Friday, 14 November 2014, 7:30-9:00 AM.

ROBOTS! We will kick off our breakfast with the Bainbridge High School Spartronics Team 4915 (facebook page). They went to the FIRST Robotic World Championships in their Rookie year last April and finished in the top 5% in the world. They are bringing their award-winning robot ATLaS!

CHRISTINE ROLFES! After the demonstration we will hear from our State Senator (and Bainbridge resident) Christine Rolfes. Bring your questions. The public is welcome. Admission includes a delicious full breakfast prepared by the IslandWood kitchen. Service robots cntrance free.

REGISTER NOW! Sign up online by midnight Wed. Nov. 12 and save $5 – Current Members $18, Future Members $23. At the Door – Current Members $23, Future Members $28. At IslandWood, 4450 Blakely Ave NE. Sponsored by Puget Sound Energy.

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


More BBC Regulars Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

NOVEMBER Tuesday@Noon Workshops. Still 2 workshops left! “How to use video in your marketing strategy” – with videographer and artist Matt Longmire. From the promo to BPA’s  A Chorus Line to the OfficeXpats video commercial “I’m an Xpat“, Matt’s work on Bainbridge Island is well known. But did you know he has full length documentaries, such as “Cardboard,” as well? Need a few reasons to make video part of your marketing strategy? Search Engine Optimization: YouTube has the second biggest audience of people searching for answers to queries. Engagement and Community: Online video watchers like to engage and respond. Conversion: people find their answers and proceed to the next stage of the buying cycle. Analytics: get good statistics about your videos and measure the video marketing strategy you are generating. Sign up and register quickly!

20 November 2014, 7:00-8:30: “Find Your Social Media Marketing Sweet Spot.” Find your own best-fit strategy to reap the returns of social media marketing without driving yourself crazy. Jeffrey Hora, founder of Social Sapiens, and Leslie Schneider, founder of OfficeXpats, team up to offer a 90-minute whirl wind strategy session that cuts straight to what business social media is good for and what it’s not. Information and register at:

New B.I. RIDE Mid-day Bus Service! A combination of scheduled stops and Dial-A-Ride fills runs during weekday non-commuter times and on Saturdays. For more info:

REMINDER for BBC Regular Members: Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, you can have your business and contact info available for the BBC community and on the BBC website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info:  BBC on Facebook: Alice David has kindly set up a BBC Facebook destination. Take a look: – friend, post, share, bake, blog, barbecue. We all love you Alice – stay strong!

BBC Regular Lee Hoffman’s group is developing the Maritime Heritage Center in Bremerton restoring the classic tugboat “Quail” ( Maritine Heritage Center fund Quail photos/video


BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge
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About kdkragen

K. D. Kragen is a philosopher, writer, teacher, editor, husband, father and grandfather. A third generation San Franciscan, Vietnam era vet U.S. Coast Guard (1973-1977), married to Janet L. Kragen for 32 years (1977-present), K. D. is a published novelist ("The KillWare Chronicles" and "Plagueman"); he has taught logic and lectured in philosophy of art at various college and local art schools (Northwest College of Art, Trumeau College of the Arts). Presently he teaches senior citizens basic computer skills (to be able to keep in touch with children and grandchildren), does general computer maintenance, MS and Linux OS, manages a small publishing house, Scandia Patch Press, and edits and ghosts the writings of other local authors. KaveDragen Ink LLC Clean, sparkling copy is often the first impression you make on prospective clientele. Every company needs: One, the Visionary, company owner, manager. That's you! You are the market expert. You know your products and services better than anyone else. Two, the Copy-editor, the wordsmith. That's me. I supply the polish and clarity of communication needed to grab your client from the very first line.