BBC Friday – Kat Gjovik on Sustainable Business Network
Friday October 21st we will have a special presentation by Sustainable Business Network leader Kat Gjovik (Living Economies Forum) on local investing, investment clubs, and accelerating community capital for the local economy.
Note: There will be a related presentation at OfficeXpats on Wednesday October 19th, 7:00-8:30 PM, “Community Exchange Currency Informational Meeting.” You can read more about this event in the OfficeXpats online newsletter http://campaign.r20.
So, invite a friend or associate to join us for this exciting presentation – aren’t all BBC presentations exciting? – and another delicious cup of BBC!
BBC @ Flowering Around,200 Winslow Way West
7:30-8:00 – Visiting, Networking
8:00-8:30 – Special Guest Speaker Kat Gjovik (we may run to 8:45)
8:30-9:00 – More Network with friends and colleagues
Sincerely, The BBC Management & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC______________________________
Flowering Around:
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.
Winslow Way reconstruction:
Winslow Street Smarts: