Virtual Community Event:
“Staying Connected – Going Virtual,” w/ Charlie King.
Learn the basics of the Zoom.us virtual meeting platform.
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented changes.
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented changes.
Interesting times call for creative changes.

– Topic: Bainbridge Business Connection
– Time: A recurring meeting weekly, Fridays 8:00-9:00
– Join Zoom Meeting: https://…….. || Meeting ID:912 079 738.
Click the link, then you’ll be asked to download & install the small Zoom software.
NOTE 1: Zoom works in most browsers on most platforms, Windows, Apple, Linux, Chromebook. NOTE 2: This BBC Friday is a totally Virtual online community meeting, not at OfficeXpats. And it’s our “SOFT Virtual Opening.”
(Afterwards, please share your experiences, thoughts, ideas, and feedback with Dave at [email protected].)
Remember a key word in the expression “social distancing” is “social.”
Be here – sorta, like virtually – be free, be businesswise – and stay safe. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise! Arr…….
So Invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting Virtual-In-The-Cloud event in real E-time and real E-space … and another delicious cup of V-BBC!
BBC@OfficeXpats – Virtual Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is, at the Virtual Pavilion 7:30-8:00 – virtual coffee, check-in to ZOOM, test your connection
8:00-8:55 – Staying Connected – Going Virtual
8:55-9:00 – announcements, “what’s next…”
Sincerely, BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients at planet BBC.
Both-Sides-Of-The-Bridge BBC News, Notices, Events
Notes from BBC Friday 6 March 2020, “Local Business Continuity Planning & COVID-19” Roundtable (PDF doc): BBC_Minutes_6Mar2020_ COVID19.pdf.
WA State Gov.: doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/Coronavirus.
Kitsap Cty.: kitsappublichealth.org/CommunityHealth/CoronaVirus.php.
City Of B.I.: https://www.bainbridgewa.gov/1213/COVID-19.

Community Decon Practices – OfficeXpats_and_COVID19.pdf
At this time, OfficeXpats continues to stay open for it’s members.

“Helping Bainbridge Homeless Teens!” Ending teen homelessness on Bainbridge Island. SHB on Facebook: facebook.com/ShelterNowBainbridge/. Steve Rabago shared some ideas, and how one can get involved: “Get Involved” button on Shelter Now homepage (shelternowbainbridge.com) to consider how you might support this wonderful community work. Email: [email protected].

Creating Community Resilience. “Map Your Neighborhood”: bifd.org/map-your-neighborhood.aspx. Bainbridge Prepares: bainbridgeprepares.org. Scott James’ guidebook, “Prepared Neighborhoods” preparedneighborhoods.com.