Google rep Darcy Nothnagle presents award at Bon Bon
Bainbridge Island has been awarded “eCity Digital Capital Of Washington State” by Google.
Along with OfficeXpats Coworking & Conference Center, Accelerate Kitsap Business Mentoring Organization, and all of Bainbridge Island’s business and technology community, we at the BBC celebrate the “2013 GOOGLE eCITY Digital Capital AWARD“! And thank you to Bon Bon for doing a fantastic job of hosting the big event!
Bainbridge Review: bainbridgereview.com/news/220872131.html
KOMO News: komonews.com/news/eco/Online-business-is-booming-just-ask-Bainbridge-Island-220885881.html
Google Economic Impact: google.com/economicimpact/ecities/index.html#WA
Bon Bon Confections: http://bonboncandies.com/
AND, REMINDER: There is no BBC this Friday, August 30th. BBC will be back on schedule for Friday September 6th. Everyone have a fun and safe Labor Day Weekend.
This announcement has been brought to you by the BBC management and unrelated homosapient staff. For next BBC Friday, September 6th, presentation/subject/activities/hoodoo to be announced. Watch this space. Thank you and goodnight. ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sincerely,The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, and Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC___________________________________
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