WELCOME TO vBBC Friday #6 — Graciously HOSTED by vOfficeXpats

“doing business in a time of plague”
or “bring out your plague anecdotes.”
Business storytelling has been a part of our community from the very first days of our Recession era roots. So in that tradition, come and share your thoughts, experiences, learned wisdom — in story.
3-minute plague anecdote should include: 1. something about doing business, 2. something from personal experience, 3. a story of one’s own business, a colleague’s business, or a new zombie business start-up (e.g. “Take-out BBQ-Brains” Opens In Bremerton).
NOTE: Join Zoom Meeting link and password are in the BBC Newsletter. If you did not receive the newsletter and wish to attend, contact Dave [email protected] for link.
Be here – like virtually – be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise! Really. Arr…….
So Invite your friends and associates to join this exciting virtual-in-the-cloud event in real e-time and real e-space … and another delicious cup of vBBC!
vBBC@OfficeXpats – Virtual Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is. the Virtual Pavilion
7:30-8:00 – virtual coffee, check-in to ZOOM, test connection, wave at others
8:00-8:55 – bring out your business plague anecdotes!
8:55-9:00 – announcements, “what’s next … FTL space travel?”
Sincerely, BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients at planet BBC – lost in e-space.
Both-Sides-Of-The-Bridge vBBC News, Notices, Events

Great Bainbridge Tourism Update! B.I. Tourism Update (pdf doc). Thanks Chris Mueller Visit Bainbridge Island and Claire Donahue Bainbridge Island Lodging Association. Catch the new Tour Bainbridge Grocery Delivery Service

5:00 PM every day – Leif Utne’s “We Will Survive” Virtual Dance Party! Info and Zoom Link at Leif’s Facebook page: facebook.com/groups/ wewillsurvivedanceparty/?post_ id=518072269124416

Kitsap Economic Development Alliance weekly webinars: “Kitsap Weekly COVID Webinar Thursdays @ 10:00 AM” — useful information especially for small to medium size businesses. Info at: kitsapeda.org/2020/04/kitsap-weekly-covid-webinar-resources/

Bainbridge Island Downtown Association – BIDA is providing excellent continuous updates on individual local businesses. Support local businesses at: supportlocal.usatoday.com/ city/bainbridge-island-wa/

Bainbridge Recovers: bainbridgeislandcovid19. recovers.org/. New COVID-19 community updates. Facilitating community preparedness and recovery. Residents: request help, donate, or volunteer. Organizations: click “I Represent a Local Organization.”
Creating Community Resilience. “Map Your Neighborhood”: bifd.org/map-your-neighborhood.aspx. Bainbridge Prepares: bainbridgeprepares.org. Scott James’ guidebook, “Prepared Neighborhoods” preparedneighborhoods.com.

“Helping Bainbridge Homeless Teens!” Ending teen homelessness on Bainbridge Island. SHB on Facebook: facebook.com/ShelterNowBainbridge/. Steve Rabago shared some ideas, and how one can get involved: “Get Involved” button on Shelter Now homepage (shelternowbainbridge.com) to consider how you might support this wonderful community work. Email: [email protected].
WA State Gov.: doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/Coronavirus
City Of B.I.: https://www.bainbridgewa.gov/1213/COVID-19