vBBC this Friday – 4 March 2022 – The Island Wanderer Story
The Wanderer has blogged great content and stories for quite awhile now. With the help of long-time BBC regular Abell Smith, The Wanderer has had a brilliant makeover! Here’s their story – and the people behind the story.
Margaret Millmore, author and founder
Kevin Dwyer, author and journalist theislandwanderer.com facebook.com/TheIslandWanderer
Abell Smith, webmaster abellsmith.com
Remember: We have a new Zoom meeting link; you will receive that new link in the BBC Newsletter. (vBBC OfficeXpats hosted Zoom link is in BBC Newsletter. If you wish to attend, contact Dave Kragen at [email protected].)
Notes from this week’s meeting: vBBC_4March2022
Be here – like oddly familiarly virtually – be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise! Really.
So Invite your friends and associates to join this strangely familiar virtual-in-the-cloud event in real e-time and real e-space … and another delicious cup of vBBC!
Exciting BBC Notices, News, Events
Adventures At The FIRST FRIDAY ARTWAK – 4 MARCH 2022
Introducing the new magazine Pacific Northwest Bainbridge: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Our own BBC regular Natalie Rodriguez is on the team as Publisher. And there will be Advertising opportunities available: Media Kit. PNW Bainbridge on Facebook: business.facebook.com/PNW-
Introducing Tideland Magazine, A New Print Quarterly Celebrating Life On The West Puget Sound. Led by veteran Bainbridge Island journalists Alorie Gilbert and Leif Utne. Distributed free on Bainbridge & select Kitsap neighborhoods. Premier issue arriving 1 March 2022.
compassandclock.com. The Compass & Clock $9.99 Annual Subscription for the next issue is reaching it’s deadline on 4 March, tomorrow! Subscribe now. In 2022 Compass & Clock print magazine will be available solely through home delivery. The low annual price of $9.99 conveniently and safely delivers a personal copy – bigger and better – to your home twice a year (May & November).
Some new [carefully] in-person weekly member events are happening at OfficeXpats. Visit officexpats.com to learn about membership and activities as OfficeXpats moves into spring. A Passport Membership is only $35/month – a great way to stay connected with your professional island community.
A Special Message From Our Friends at Toastmasters – The Noon Edition (bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org). Improve Your Business Communications Skills In 2022. Toastmasters has been helping Bainbridge Islanders for years with a fun, self-paced, supportive program that can help you: run better business meetings; improve leadership & interviewing skills; turn presentations into sales; and generally build confidence in a safe and fun environment. Meetings: 1st & 3rd Thursdays, Noon-1:00, @ Virginia Villa Community Room, 200 High School Rd. For more info, contact: Steve Kersten (206-380-5038), [email protected]; or Jim Sutton (206-780-1621), [email protected].
Experience Kitsap (experiencekitsap.com): “Your Source For Kitsap Events. Live music, farmers markets, symphony & performing arts and festivals are vital to our region’s quality of life and local economies. Our goal is to increase awareness of these amenities so that more Kitsapians can enjoy them.” On FB: facebook.com/ExperienceKitsap Instagram: instagram.com/experience_
Visit Bainbridge Island – visitbainbridgeisland.org. “As the official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) for Bainbridge Island, Visit Bainbridge Island meets regularly with stakeholders from arts, culture, lodging, hospitality, food, and representatives from the island’s wineries and distilleries, to generate ideas and ensure that the organization is best-serving the diverse needs of the island’s tourism related industries.” And what a great B.I. Events page! visitbainbridgeisland.org/event/
Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club is a non-profit 501(c)(3) seeking community support for a number of local projects. Information at https://www.atdlines.com/fwarc-dntrqt.htm. To partner with this island history and emergency management program, contact Louis Alloin at 206-780-6885 or [email protected].
Bainbridge Island General Store (bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.
Island Bite serves many Island restaurants. It’s easy to order from any of these local restaurants and have your order delivered right to your door. Check their restaurant listing at islandbite.com.
Kitsap Economic Development Alliance: New upcoming KEDA events! Kitsap Digital Hour, 1st Thursday every month, 11:00 AM. More info at: https://kitsapeda.org.
“Peace Peloton” (w/ Doc Wilson). Peaceful demonstration on bicycles (peacepeloton.com). The National Museum of African American History & Culture at the Smithsonian.
Honoring George Floyd & other victims of American systemic racism & police violence – the work for lasting change must continue: blacklivesmatter.com.
Bainbridge Recovers: bainbridgeislandcovid19.