Greetings Fellow BBCzines!
Today we shall be continuing from last week’s topic of submitting data for developing web pages for all you “BBC Regulars”; our own BBC-MC Tim “I Do Everything” Longley will lead this exciting session.
Picture to left: here we see BBC photographer, Steve Giovanis, setting up for a shot with his new camera (not sure who that “BBC Regular” is). If you still need a good picture of yourself, see Steve (web contact info below). Maybe he can make you look as good as Fay Wray or Carl Denham (depending on your business needs).
If our wi-fi is actually up and running in Winslow this time, we’re on for an exciting web-presence hands-on discussion! So see you there.
7:30-8:00 — Coffee/Tea, Food, Chat, Networking.
8:00-8:00 — Being a “BBC Regular” – BBC-Website member pages.
8:30-9:00 — Coffee/Tea, Food, Chat, Networking.
Join us for a morning cup of BBC … Better Bainbridge Caffeine.
Tim Longley, BBC MC Dave Kragen, Staff Writer Photos by Steve Giovanis