Welcome to 3D-BBC Friday 10 June 2022 at OfficeXpats. 8:00-9:00. Doors open @ 7:30 for visiting, networking, waking up.
Under the guidance and counsel of our astute BBC Thinkologist Bill Ruddick, Ruddick Consulting, we will hold a business problem-solving strategy roundtable.
So bring a business problem to think about or idea to share for another BBC “your board of directors” Friday extravaganza! Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats (ThinkingHats pdf).
Reminder: if not on the OfficeXpats member/visitor “COVID Vaccine Verification List” please bring vaxx verification; masks are voluntary for in-person at OfficeXpats.
Be here, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise!
Notes from this week’s Think Club meeting: BBC_17June2022_Notes.
Notes/pictures from last Friday’s meeting: Kiwanis_10June2022.
Exciting BBC Notices, News, Events
Bainbridge Juneteenth Community Celebration at the Bainbridge Island Senior Community Center at Waterfront Park on Sunday, June 19 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Juneteenth is an official Federal, State, and City of Bainbridge Island holiday. Thank you to The Island Wanderer for this notice (theislandwanderer.com). The Smithsonian Museum Juneteenth page: nmaahc.si.edu/juneteenth.
The new Fort Ward Hall (biparks.org/facilities/): Friends of Fort Ward, a 501(c)3, along with the Kitsap County Sewer District #7, the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park and Recreation District, neighbors and other organizations, raised funds to restore the building. The Park District will operate the building, which will be used for classes, scout meetings, potlucks — and sewer district meetings, of course! The sewer district, which owns the building, will maintain a small office there” (kitsapsewer.org/fort-ward-community-hall/.).
OfficeXpats authors, Paula & Lorenz Eber, Book launch party at OfficeXpats, Thursday (June 16th), 4:30-5:30. Drinks and snacks aplenty! Facebook page: facebook.com/paula.holmeseber. Website: bike4breath.com.
Comapss & Clock June e-newsletter available, and it’s free. Some topics this month: camping; CPR; domestic flights; forecasting folly. Sign up at constantcontact.com.
Our own Donna Dowdney’s fabric & mixed media art showcased at Esther’s Fabrics (esthersfabrics.com), 181 Winslow Way E., starting at First Friday Art Walk, June 3rd, 6:00-8:00, and running through the month of June. Info_Flyer_pdf.
Thank you to Cross Cultural Journeys Foundation – Ukraine Support, via three organizations, World Central Kitchen, UkraineNow, and CORE, all directly supporting refugees with food, transportation, shelter, and clothing. You may donate at: createsend.com.
Pickleball “Founders Tournament,” Battle Point Park, August 10-14. Read the story at The Island Wanderer (theislandwanderer.com).
Some great new in-person weekly member events are happening at OfficeXpats. Visit officexpats.com to learn about membership and activities.
Creating Community Resilience. “Map Your Neighborhood”: bifd.org/map-your-neighborhood.aspx. Bainbridge Prepares: bainbridgeprepares.org. Scott James’ guidebook, “Prepared Neighborhoods” preparedneighborhoods.com. WA State Gov.: doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/Coronavirus Kitsap Cty.: kitsappublichealth.org/CommunityHealth/CoronaVirus.php City Of B.I.: https://www.bainbridgewa.gov/1213/COVID-19