So… Now that that’s over…

Now that that's over...BBC & Cafe @ The Pavilion – 16 April 2010

Well, we’ve all paid our taxes now, so it’s only fun from here right into Summer and the Grand Old 4th Of July with the Bainbridge Island Yacht Club’s Fireworks, the first ever BBC Booth, and—maybe?—a BBC Float; but that’s still just a bug in the wind! Right?

(Bug in the wind?)

7:30-8:00  &  8:30-9:00

So, this is our low-key mid-April BBC Friday.  Let’s just concentrate on getting to know one another better, even more than “what we do,” make it “who we are.”  First and foremost, this Friday, we should seek out a few people we’ve never spoken with, or with whom we’ve spoken little.  Ask about “Their Story”; then, after listening lots, tell a little of your own story.

So, plenty of time for visiting, gossiping (“I didn’t say that!”), networking, coffee/tea and bagels and usually some kind of fun breakfast sandwich (for those who don’t want to indulge in a big, delicious Danish or sweet roll).

Thanks once again to our gracious hostess, Thuy Nguyen.


During our regular-regular BBC ½ Hour Special time, we will talk and brainstorm some more about the upcoming 4th Of July.  We’ll also update everyone on the ever-gradually should-maybe changing BBC web presence. It will happen.  (“Who said that?”)  And if nothing else and there’s a few minutes left, we’ll play act and put on a short version of “The Taming Of The Shrew”; definitely not “High School Musical.”

Goodnight.  And remember:  “You won’t be there until you get there.”

Dave Kragen
BBC Staff, COC Gendarme, and City Of Bainbridge Island Secret Service

PS… Tim is busy applying a new look to our BBC BLOG…This will teach him not to leave his computer on…

Take a look when you get a chance!