Notes from last week’s discussion including flyer of Donna Dowdney’s latest art show, and update for dear Alyse McConnell (click on Caring Bridge link at bottom of page): vBBC_28May2021.
Be here – like virtually – be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise! Really.
So Invite your friends and associates to join this strangely virtual-in-the-cloud event in real e-time and real e-space … and another delicious cup of vBBC!
(vBBC OfficeXpats hosted Zoom link is in BBC Newsletter. If you wish to attend, contact Dave Kragen [email protected].)
Exciting BBC Notices, News, Events
Donna Lee Dowdney (donnaleedowdney.com) art show: four mixed media and fabric art pieces on exhibit at BARN (Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network); public viewing Monday-Saturday 8:00-7:30. FLYER.
There is a Grand Old 4th this year! “In the interests of health and safety, this is a year where a ‘normal’ 4th is not possible, and so we are proud to announce 2021’s Grand Old 4th, Pandemic Edition.” Latest update at: bainbridgechamber.com/2021-grandold-4th-pandemic-edition/.
Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club sponsors Island Blood Drive: Join with the Fort Ward Amateur Radio Club (FWARC) and other Bainbridge Island community groups to donate a pint of blood as we emerge out of the COVID pandemic. Looking for an October date for the event. Info flier: FWARC_PressRelease.pdf.
LARGE ART STUDIOS: “Large Art Studios at Day Road Industrial Park still has one studio available for rent to local artist.” Info at Steve Rabago’s FB page: facebook.com/groups/359999091592636/user/1019146202/.
“Peace Peloton” (w/ Doc Wilson). Peaceful demonstration on bicycles (peacepeloton.com). Sophia Conti’s 181 Black-owned businesses nationwide: websiteplanet.com/blog/
Bainbridge Island General Store (bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.
Washington Tourism Alliance ShowWaLove campaign: if your business serves visitors and offers an ecommerce gift card, you can sign up to have your business represented. Visit the WTA program at ShowWALove.com. See the campaign promotional video youtube.com. Washington State businesses can sign up to participate in the program at. Thank you, Chris Mueller, visitbainbridgeisland.org.
Kitsap Economic Development Alliance: New upcoming KEDA events! Kitsap Digital Hour, 1st Thursday every month, 11:00 AM. More info at: https://kitsapeda.org.
Compass And Clock Spring/Summer 2021 issue is out – compassandclock.com – Senior Info & Support Newsletter.
Honoring George Floyd & other victims of American systemic racism & police violence – the work for lasting change must continue: blacklivesmatter.com.
Bainbridge Recovers: bainbridgeislandcovid19.