Your Own Board of Directors!

toMuchOnMyPlateWell my busy life finally took me away from my favorite weekly activity last week, but it sounds like the loyal BBC following has again met the task of “a new way to connect” dead on (so I am told). Therefore, it would be most helpful to have an open discussion about: what we want to have happen this year; who we want to have as guest speakers;  and what activities we have liked – and disliked. One of those topics should be: “So – ya got yourself into this mess – how do you get yourself out?” Oh well…such a burden to bear in a tough economy.

A new activity I am going to start up actually came from the original founders of the BBC. I called it “Your Personal Board of Directors.” It was a focus group for the members; we were all to be each one’s “own personal (business) advisors.” The rub was, everyone in the group got to be the CEO!

The way we utilized this tool was that we would take turns going around the table expressing an idea, a marketing concept, or even our 90-second elevator speech. Whatever you needed to have a sounding board on, the members of the group would take their turns providing you honest (and positive) feedback. It was often tough to take but so powerful when your ideas had more than just you on the review team.

The concept worked well with about 5 people – but 25 . . . hmmm.  So I am going to propose that we break up into 3 or 4 small groups. What will be fun about this is that you can choose to be a guest (or even ask to join) in other groups. You will want to find a group that works well with your personality. More on this tomorrow.board_directors_img

SO – (writer extraordinaire, KD Kragen would tell me not to start a sentence with the word SO)  back to tomorrow’s agenda of open discussion topics:



  • Who are some of the people we’d like to see address the BBC?
  • What are some of the topics we’d like to discuss together?
  • What are some goals we’d like to achieve here at the BBC – besides enjoying good friends, great breakfasts, and fine coffee/tea?
  • How can we better serve one another?

Suggested GUEST SPEAKERS: (I think ole Dave is pulling my leg…ya think?)

  • President Obama
  • Tina Turner
  • Elvis Prestly
  • Dan Weedin
  • James Zindell
  • Shannon Evens


  • Killer Marketing or Aikido/Qigong Marketing (how to be centered without losing your drive to succeed)
  • Update: InternetSM (Social Marketing/Networking, not Sadomasochism) Revisited
  • Developing your BBC-Bio page for the BBC website:


  • Your ideas here!

Bring your ideas and a new friend, and get ready for another fun (and usually rowdy) session.

Don’t miss your morning cup of BBC!

Tim Longley
BBC Chair

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